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  • kathrynhavelock

Getting Things Done!

So… a few weeks off.

Amazing, I thought. I'll get so much done, I thought.

Funnily enough, not a whole lot got done.

Ok, so let me clarify. Lots got done - my dry cleaning got done, I finally got a haircut, I ordered long overdue things for the flat (and was in for the delivery), I emailed old friends, I bought plants, I updated software, I watched films... You get the general idea.

The thing is, I was meant to be studying and as it turns out, I’m much better at procrastinating than getting down to work on the behemoth that I hope will one day a PhD thesis, and enable me to stand proud as 'Dr. Kat'.

Thankfully, rather than wildly beating myself up about this, I’m heartily reassured that what I’ve actually been doing is great 'GTD' i.e. getting things done. Because what I’ve actually done is all the things that I’ve been wanting to do for ages that do genuinely in life need to get accomplished, but life gets in the way of. So, I’ve been getting 'things' done, just not things which are in my head the 'right' things.

But the thing about 'right' things - they're not necessarily right. If I’d studied for two straight weeks and gone back to work, I’d have been shattered and still have all those small life admin tasks ahead of me alongside a busy day job. And I did actually study, just perhaps not as much as I thought I would, so today's lesson for me is about keeping doing things, and focusing less on whether they're right or not.

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